Our Hotels
Hotel Giannini and Hotel Sirena are very close and easy to reach. Exit Highway 14 "South Rimini" continue towards SEA towards Miramare Rimini.
The Hotel Giannini is located near the bus stop at the 32 (Bus n°11) BATHROOMS 142-143 while the Hotel Sirena is located in the stop 31 (Bus n°11), BATHROOMS 139-140; although the Hotel Sirena is located in the restricted area you can access easily to unload luggage, then we'll show you our parking!
Hotel Giannini
V.le Principe di Piemonte, 1047924 Miramare di Rimini
Phone:+39 0541/370736
Fax:+39 0541/478359
E-mail: info@hotelgiannini.it
Website: www.hotelgiannini.it
Hotel Sirena
V.le Oliveti, 10347924 Miramare di Rimini